In this image I printed through the plastic which I had drawn half a picture on. My friend drew the other half of the person and we printed them side by side.
I printed this image by placing the plastic onto some photography paper and then I put the glass on top and printed through it. This is the result, above.
Using the filters in the darkroom I experimented with the contrast. This is what using the filters does to an image:
Before and After
The below image was made by putting my fingertips into some developer and then pressing them onto photography paper, I then put the image into a tray of fix for five minutes and then into the wash for another 10 minutes.
Here are some more images from this experiment:
This next experiment is called sunlight printing. To do this, you put some flowers onto some photography paper and then place some glass over the top, you then leave it there for about ten minutes and then you put it into the fix for ten minutes.
These are just a few of the experiments I have done, I will post the rest tomorrow.
I'm watching CSI now then I'm gonna go bed.
Thanks for reading.
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