Thursday, 30 October 2008

Before and After

I attended an open day at the Arts Institute at Bournemouth on Tuesday. I am going to apply there for next year and hopefully I'll get in.
Im concentrating on my personal statement and I'm getting on with my portfolio. For my course I would be doing a module on photo editing so I'm putting together some before and after images, which I have used photoshop to edit.
Going through my images of before and after, I have looked at my images with more criticism and I am cutting down on my very best images.
Here are some of the images I have edited.

I used the actions I have on photoshop to edit this image.

I used 'boost' to boost the colours and the contrast. I also sharpened the image and then gave it a letterbox crop.

This is another picture of the same dog. I boosted the colours and cropped the image to get rid of the top part of the image. I also had to clone the top left to make it all grass because otherwise the background would be eye catching.
I also sharpened the image and made the right hand side lighter to even out the image more.
When I had edited the images, I realised the grass in the foreground is more in focus than the dog is. I am not as keen on this image as I was before because of this.
This is the end of today's post.
Thanks for reading. :)

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