Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Internet Returns!

I finally got the internet back! I also had a photoshoot today in which I modelled for the photographer Graham Sessions

We included my dog in a couple images and I will post it in a second.

I have only edited a couple images so far, here they are:

The second Image is made of 6 images put together and edited on photoshop to get the desired effect.

It took me about half an hour to edit this image, which I don't think is too bad seeing as I have done lots to complete it.

I was surfing the internet late last night and I found a very cool website which allows you to upload and download brushes which can be used in photoshop. The brushes are very cool and allow you to create interesting designs on and as images.
I have alot of coursework to be getting on with, so I must not spend too much time on my blog tonight.
Thanks for reading!

Saturday, 22 November 2008

Lack of Internet

I havent been able to post anything recently because I dont have the internet at my house at the moment. I think i am getting it on the 28th of november and then I can continue blogging! 

If you fancy looking at some images of mine then check out this website:

thanks for reading!

Wednesday, 5 November 2008

primary research

For my college work I have needed to research the best photographers/artists to write aboutin my sketchbooks. I posted a forum on and asked people for recommendations of artists who they thought were good.

I am going to post here the artists who have kindly let me use them for my research. These artists are exceptionally talented and I would like all of you followers to check them out. :D

so far, I have these photographers who I can research:

I shall hopefully add some more to the list when I get the research Info I need :D
Thanks for reading!

Sunday, 2 November 2008

A busy half term

I have been all over the place for this last week. I went to Plymouth at the first weekend to see my boyfriend linas.

Isn't he a cutey :P

After Plymouth I went to Bournemouth with my friend Chelsea to see my Dad and to go to The Arts Institute at Bournemouth for an open day so I can apply there for next year.
After that, I came home for all of three hours, and then left for North Devon to go to Ruta's House, where I met again with Linas.

I went out for the day with Ruta on the Friday and we went to Valley of the Rocks at Lynton. Here is one of the photographs from there.

This was taken looking down the valley, I like this one because of the composition and the colours :D

Here is another image I took which is a little more 'arty'

I spent the rest of my week photographing Linas' brother Romas and his band. We went to a beach so that we could use a boat I have photographed before that the boys liked. So I thought I'd show you some beach and band photos.

It was quite hard to photograph them because they would often look away from the camera or pull a silly face, or their hair would fly infront of their faces because of the wind. However they did try hard and I'm glad they listened to me!

This is the first picture I have edited out of all of the group pictures and I may post some more later on.
Now for some beach photos.

This is an image straight from the camera, I haven't edited it at all. I really love all the textures in rock and I spent a few minutes photographing this one.

Two last beach picture and I must go to sleep!

This next one was fun :P

Spot the difference :P
I must go to bed now.
Thanks for reading!